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    Jonas Altinius
    Trainee lawyer

    See bio
    Johannes Breck
    Trainee lawyer

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    Carl Philip F. Fleischer

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    Helene Klæt Gjersheim
    Senior Lawyer (on leave)

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    Bjørg Strandos Granerud

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    Ane Fuglesang Herskind
    Senior Lawyer

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    Svein Steinfeld Jervell

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    Sigrid Eskild Løkken
    Trainee lawyer

    See bio
    Ann Kathrin Nordbø
    Senior lawyer

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    Marte Therese Strand Sinkerud
    Senior Lawyer

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    Hanne-Marie With Solvang

    See bio
    Maria Cabrera Stråtveit

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    Theodor Charles Falconer Sundal

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    Corporate Contract law
    M&A: Purchase and sale of business entities in Norway. A guide to the process and legal aspects of acquisition of Norwegian enterprises.
    Purchasing and selling business entities require both planning and insight. This is especially the case for foreign buyers who must gain insight to the target company as well as the [...]
    Consolidation meetings upon termination of employment. What is required under Norwegian employment law?

    Labour law Discharge and dismissal
    Consolidation meetings upon termination of employment. What is required under Norwegian employment law?
    We often receive inquiries from foreign employers and employees on how consolidation meetings (or discussion meetings) before termination of employment are conducted. We have therefore written an article that concerns [...]
    Dismissals – a guide  to foreign employers and employees

    Labour law Discharge and dismissal
    Dismissals – a guide to foreign employers and employees
    Below follows a practical guide to terminations of employment relationship from the employer, as laid out by Norwegian employment law. It deals with how dismissals are to be prepared, the [...]
    Director’s liability under Norwegian law

    Corporate Company law
    Director’s liability under Norwegian law
    On personal liability of members of the board. Under Norwegian law, representatives of the company, including board members, the company CEO as well as shareholders, may be held personally liable [...]

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