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    Restructuring, insolvency and bankruptcy

    Area of expertise

    We advise and provide support in situations where companies or individuals are under financial pressure.

    Our lawyers assist in personal liability cases involving board members, general managers, auditors and others. We also provide advice to private persons, creditors and debtors.

    Dalan law firm is regularly appointed public administrator of the estate of a deceased person, including estates in bankruptcy. Our clients are businesses, management, owners, employees, mortgagors or other rights holders, as well as lenders and other creditors

    Our support includes:

    • Creditor representation, including support for Norwegian and foreign creditors and lenders, through assessments and measures aimed at customers with financial problems
    • Creditors, both personal and commercial, with debt recovery, including mortgages and detention, outlay, compulsory sale, seizure, temporary inunctions and enforcement
    • Creditors in bankruptcy proceedings, debt negotiations and in connection with voluntary arrangements and debt settlement
    • Assessing claims against board members, general managers, auditors etc.
    • Restructuring, including support for businesses and debtors by examining their problems and finding solutions to enable continued operations
    • Negotiations with banks, other creditors, contract counterparties and public authorities
    • Drawing up proposals for debt restructuring, and negotiations with creditors in order to obtain a voluntary arrangement
    • Generational succession: transfer of all or part of the business or firm to the succeeding generation in the family, or to business colleagues
    • Negotiations on behalf of businesses in financial difficulty, including constructive dialogues with creditors in order to identify out-of-court solutions to their debt problems
    • Advice for the owners, board of directors and management of a company during insolvency or creditor protection proceedings
    • Drafting petitions on behalf of a debtor
    • Reconstruction and creditor protection
    • Bankruptcy, debtor’s petitions
    • Voluntary arrangements pursuant to the Bankruptcy Act
    • Drafting of an insolvency petition on behalf of creditors, including the employees when it is necessary to present the petition against an employer in order to secure payment of wages
    • Advice, negotiations and procedural assignments in dispute cases before the court involving liability issues in an insolvent company, including the personal liability borne by board members, the general manager or the auditor
    • Evaluation and advice in connection with loan transactions, provision of security and mortgage law related issues
    • Implementation and assessment of transactions prior to and following insolvency
    • Advice, negotiations and procedural assignments pertaining to bankruptcy reversal
    • Handling of claims and outstanding accounts in an estate in bankruptcy
    • International insolvency questions


    Jon Norvald Evensen

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    Trond Larsen

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